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snippet: Quarter degree daily emissions estimates derived from VIIRS near real time fire counts with 6 bands: 1) Dry matter, 2) carbon, 3) carbon dioxide, 4) carbon monoxide, 5) methane, and 6) particulate matter.
summary: Quarter degree daily emissions estimates derived from VIIRS near real time fire counts with 6 bands: 1) Dry matter, 2) carbon, 3) carbon dioxide, 4) carbon monoxide, 5) methane, and 6) particulate matter.
accessInformation: NASA/GFSC, GFED, Niels Andela
thumbnail: thumbnail/{69ED4C7B-F5C7-4EBD-A770-EC91CF081BDC}.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Image Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: 1) Downloaded daily near real time VIIRS hot spot data, with lat/lon and Fire Radiative Power (FRP) data, from the following sources: - - 2) Data is filtered to only include closest to nadir data points from NOAA20 or SNPP 3) A gridded geotiff of hot spot detections is created, and overlaid with 500m MODIS landcover tiles, so that FRP per landcover type can be summed, for each GFED fire type: Deforested, Temperate Forest, Boreal Forest, Savannah, Agriculture, Peat. 4) Emissions estimates are calculated by multiplying various FRPs per fire type with teh GFED4_Emissions_Factors table, creating the 6 band output of emissions estimates: 1) Dry matter, 2) carbon, 3) carbon dioxide, 4) carbon monoxide, 5) methane, 6) particulate matter.
title: VIIRS_nrt_dailyEmissions
type: Image Service
tags: ["gfed","emissions","viirs"]
culture: en-US
name: VIIRS_nrt_dailyEmissions
spatialReference: GCS_WGS_1984