Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: An area containing at least one runway, used for landing, take-off, and movement of aircraft. Distinction: runway; sea-plane landing area;Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here:, single Definition: A relatively permanent structure, roofed and usually walled. It is designed for some particular use which it may be important to indicate. (Digital Geographic Information Working Group, Oct.87) Distinction: built-up area; coastguard station; landmark; rescue station;Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: area Definition: An area containing a concentration of buildings and the supporting road or rail infrastructure. Distinction: building, single; road; square;Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: area Definition: Generally, an area where the mariner has to be made aware of circumstances influencing the safety of navigation. Distinction: wrecks; underwater rocks; obstructions; unsurveyed area;Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: inland electronic Navigational charts (IENCs) were developed from available data used in maintenance of Navigation channels. Users of these IENCs should be aware that some features and attribute information could have significant inaccuracies due to changing waterway conditions, inaccurate source data, or approximations introduced during chart compilation. Caution is urged in use of these IENCs or derived products for Navigational planning or operation, or any decisions pertaining to or affecting safety of vessel operation. These initial IENCs are not to be used as replacements for official government chart books, as required in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: The identifying characteristics of an aid to navigation which serve to facilitate its recognition against a daylight viewing background. On those structures that do not by themselves present an adequate viewing area to be seen at the required distance, the aid is made more visible by affixing a daymark to the structure. A daymark so affixed has a distinctive colour and shape depending on the purpose of the aid. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 1248)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: The Deepwater Port Licensing Program is the application process designed to promote the construction of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and oil deepwater ports. This license system was established by the Deepwater Port Act of 1974, as amended by the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002. MARAD DOT assesses the financial capability of potential licenses, prepares the project Record of Decision, and issues or denies the deepwater port license. If the license was denied, surrendered, or withdrawn they are not displayed in this layer. The licensed deepwater ports are listed below. Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (Louisiana) Neptune LNG (Massachusetts) Northeast Gateway (Massachusetts) Port Dolphin (Florida – Gulf of Mexico) Gulf Gateway Energy Bridge (Louisiana). For additional information, please visit:
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: mark Definition: A distance mark indicates the distance measured from an origin and consists of either a solid visibl e structure or a distinct location without special installation. Usually found on canals.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: facility Definition: A harbour installation with a service or commercial operation of public interest.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: facility Definition: A harbour installation with a service or commercial operation of public interest.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: This dataset represents sequential mile positions of navigable inland waterways and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. Records include eight fields; id, latitude, longitude, mile, river code, river name, river number, source.Terms of UseAccess Constraint: None (Public Domain Information) Use Constraint: None (Public Use)
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Danger Buoy Point: Used to mark small, isolated dangers where navigable water will be found in all directions around the marked danger.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: region Definition: An area of natural scenery on land. It is defined by its geographical characteristics and may be known by its proper name.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A prominent object at a fixed location which can be used in determining a location or a direction . (adapted from IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 2643).Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here:, lateral Definition: A beacon is a prominent specially constructed object forming a conspicuous mark as a fixed aid to navigation or for use in hydrographic survey (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 420). A lateral beacon is used to indicate the port or starboard hand side of the route to be followed. They are generally used for well defined channels and are used in conjunction with a conventional direction of buoyage. (UKHO NP 735, 5th Edition)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: buoy is a floating object moored to the bottom in a particular place, as an aid to navigation or for other specific purposes. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 565). A lateral buoy is used to indicate the port or starboard hand side of the route to be followed. They ar e generally used for well defined channels and are used in conjunction with a conventional direction of buoyage. (UKHO NP 735, 5th Edition)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: station, traffic Definition: A signal station is a place on shore from which signals are made to ships at sea. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 4742) Traffic signal stations regulate the movement of traffic. (IHO Chart Specifications, M-4)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: This dataset represents locks for water navigation. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Locks Geospatial Data were developed from available data used in maintenance of navigation channels. Users should be aware that some features and attribute information could have significant inaccuracies due to changing waterway conditions, inaccurate source data, or approximations introduced during chart compilation. Caution is urged in use of this data or derived products for navigation planning or operation, or any decisions pertaining to or affecting safety of vessel operation.
Service Item Id: dd457333ea124cd4ba9dec449de55af2
Copyright Text: United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Description: This dataset represents major U.S. port facilities and provides physical information on commercial facilities at the principal U.S. coastal, Great Lakes and inland ports. The data consists of listings of port area's waterfront facilities, including information on berthing, cranes, transit sheds, grain elevators, marine repair plants, fleeting areas, and docking and storage facilities. Collection of data is performed on a rotational basis to ensure on-site accuracy at each facility.Terms of UseAccess Constraint: None (Public Domain Information) Use Constraint: None (Public Use)
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: facility Definition: The equipment or structure used to secure a vessel (adapted from IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 3322)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Structures intended to assist a navigator to determine position or safe course, or to warn of dangers or obstructions to navigation. This dataset includes lights, signals, buoys, day beacons, and other aids to navigation. These data are not to be used for navigation. For additional information, please visit: of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: The Navigable Waterway Nodes dataset is as of October 24, 2018, and is part of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)/Bureau of Transportation Statistics's (BTS's) National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD). The National Waterway Network (Nodes) is a comprehensive network database of the nation's navigable waterways. The data set covers the 48 contiguous states plus the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and water links between. The nominal scale of the dataset varies with the source material. The majority of the information is at 1:100,000 with larger scales used in harbor/bay/port areas and smaller scales used in open waters. These data could be used for analytical studies of waterway performance, for compiling commodity flow statistics, and for mapping purposes.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A luminous or lighted aid to navigation. (adapted from IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 2766)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Marks - A signboard used to indicate prohibitions, regulations, restrictions, recommendations and general information which apply to a waterway or a section of a waterwayTerms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: In marine navigation, anything that hinders or prevents movement, particularly anything that endangers or prevents passage of a vessel. The term is usually used to refer to an isolated danger to navigation... (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 3503)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A long heavy timber or section of steel, wood, concrete, etc.. forced into the earth which may serve as a support, as for a pier, or a free standing pole within a marine environment. (Adapted from IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 3840)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: The Ports dataset as of October 24, 2018 is part of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)/Bureau of Transportation Statistics's (BTS's) National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD). Contains physical information on commercial facilities at U.S. Coastal, Great Lakes and Inland Ports. The data consists of location description, street address, city, county name, congressional district FIPS code, type of construction, cargo-handling equipment, water depth alongside the facility, facility type ( dock, fleeting area, lock and/or dam) berthing space, latitude, longitude, current operators and owner’s information, list of commodities handled at facility, road/railway connections, equipment available at facility, storage facilities, cranes, transit sheds, grain elevators, marine repair plants, fleeting areas, and docking, and facility start/stop date. Terms of UseAccess Constraint: None (Public Domain Information) Use Constraint: None (Public Use)
Service Item Id: dd457333ea124cd4ba9dec449de55af2
Copyright Text: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology/Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD), and US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Navigation Data Center
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: support Definition: A vertical construction consisting, for example, of a steel framework or pre-stressed concrete to carr y cables, a bridge, etc.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: waterway gauge is an instrument for measuring water levelsTerms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: area/named water area Definition: A geographically defined part of the sea or other navigable waters. It may be specified within its limit s by its proper name.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: construction Definition: A fixed (not afloat) artificial structure between the water and the land, i.e. a man-made coastline.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: craft facility Definition: A place at which a service generally of interest to small craft or pleasure boats is available.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here:, special purpose/general Definition: A buoy is a floating object moored to the bottom in a particular place, as an aid to navigation or for other specific purposes. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 565). A special purpose buoy is primarily used to indicate an area or feature, the nature of which is apparent from reference to a chart, Sailing Directions or Notices to Mariners. (UKHO NP 735, 5th Edition) Buoy in general: A buoy whose appearance or purpose is not adequately known. Distinction: buoy lateral; buoy safe water; buoy isolated danger; buoy cardinal; buoy installation; mooring/warping facility;Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: An enclosed container, used for storage (Digital Geographic Information Working Group, Oct.87)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here:, submarine/on land Definition: A pipeline is a string of interconnected pipes used for the transport of matter, nowadays mainly oil or gas . (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 3857) A submarine or land pipeline is a pipeline lying on or buried under the seabed or the land.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Terminal Point- A terminal covers that area on shore which provides buildings and constructions for the transfer of cargos from and to ships.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: rock Definition: A concreted mass of stony material or coral which dries, is awash or is below the water surface.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: NAVCEN operates the Coast Guard Maritime Differential GPS (DGPS) Service and the developing Nationwide DGPS Service (NDGPS), consisting of two control centers and 86 remote broadcast sites. The Service broadcasts correction signals on marine radiobeacon frequencies to improve the accuracy and integrity to GPS-derived positions. The Coast Guard DGPS Service provides 10-meter accuracy in all established coverage areas. Typically, the position error of a DGPS position is 1 to 3 meters, greatly enhancing harbor entrance and approach navigation. The System provides service for coastal coverage of the continental U.S., the Great Lakes, Puerto Rico, portions of Alaska, Hawaii, and a large part of the Mississippi River Basin. Many foreign nations are implementing standard DGPS services modeled after the U.S. Coast Guard?s system to improve maritime safety in their critical waterways. The Coast Guard's maritime Differential Global Positioning Service achieved Full Operational Capability (FOC) on 15 March 1999 as announced in the DOT press release. The maritime DGPS service provides 10 meter (2 dRMS) navigation accuracy, integrity alarms for GPS and DGPS out-of-tolerance conditions within 10 seconds of detection, availability of 99.7% per month, coastal coverage to the continental United States, the Great Lakes, Puerto Rico/US Virgin Islands, and selected portions of Alaska and Hawaii. The achievement of FOC culminates a six-year effort to convert existing radiobeacon sites and construct new sites to transmit DGPS corrections. Several equipment upgrades were installed to improve system performance. During the procurement and installation phases of the system upgrades, the maritime DGPS service operated under Initial Operational Capability rules, where the signals provided accurate corrections with integrity to the maximum extent possible.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Signal Stations - A signal station is a place on shore from which signals are made to ships at sea. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 4742)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: This dataset represents wrecks and obstructions near the United States. In 1981, NOAA’s National Ocean Service (NOS) implemented the Automated Wreck and Obstruction Information System (AWOIS) to assist in planning hydrographic survey operations and to catalog and store a substantial volume of reported wrecks and obstructions that are considered navigational hazards within U.S. coastal waters. As part of the hydrographic survey planning process, these records are reviewed and those records which require additional field investigation are assigned to specific field units for verification. The results of these investigations eventually become part of the AWOIS record so that a permanent history of a wreck or obstruction is always available. AWOIS is not a comprehensive record of wrecks in any particular area. There are wrecks in AWOIS that do not appear on the nautical chart and there are wrecks on the nautical chart that do not appear in AWOIS. Updates to AWOIS are ongoing; however, it will never completely address every known or reported wreck. For more information regarding this data and the definitions of the symbols please reference the publication link under additional information.Terms of UseAccess Constraint: None (Public Domain Information) Use Constraint: None (Public Use) Use Limitations: These data are intended for coastal and ocean use planning. Not for navigation.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: The ruined remains of a stranded or sunken vessel which has been rendered useless. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 6027)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: An artificial waterway with no flow, or a controlled flow, used for navigation, or for draining or irrigating land (ditch). (United States Geological Survey, Jan.89) Distinction: canal bank; river; lake; tideway;Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: The line where shore and water meet. Although the terminology of coasts and shores is rather confused, shoreline and coastline are generally used as synonyms. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 858,4695) Distinction: canal bank; lake shore; river bank; shoreline construction;Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: mechanical apparatus for moving bulk material or people from place to place (as by a moving belt or chain of receptacles); usually extends from a land-based facility over the shoreline to a dock, wharf, or mooring facility. (Adapted from S-57 Standard)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A barrier to check or confine anything in motion; particularly one constructed to hold back water and raise its level to form a reservoir, or to prevent flooding. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 1196)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: route Definition: A route in a body of water where a ferry crosses from one shoreline to another. (Digital Geographic Information Working Group, Oct.87)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A natural or man-made barrier used as an enclosure or boundary or for protection. (adapted from Digital Geographic Information Working Group, Oct.1987)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A dyke (or dike) is an artificial embankment to contain or hold back water.(IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 1361)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A structure that may be swung, drawn, or lowered to block an entrance or passageway. (United States Geological Survey, Jan.89)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: This layer is an overview of the maritime boundaries and limits. Symbology is rendered at larger scales.(Version 4.1, 9/13/2013) Maritime limits for the United States are measured from the U.S. baseline, which is recognized as the low-water line along the coast as marked on the official U.S. nautical charts in accordance with the articles of the Law of the Sea. The baseline and related maritime limits are reviewed and approved by the interagency U.S. Baseline Committee. The primary purpose of this dataset is to update the official depiction of these maritime limits and boundaries on NOAA's nautical charts. The Office of Coast Survey depicts on its nautical charts the territorial sea (12 nautical miles), contiguous zone (24nm), and exclusive economic zone (200nm, plus maritime boundaries with adjacent/opposite countries). U.S. maritime limits are ambulatory and are subject to revision based on accretion or erosion of the charted low water line. For more information about U.S. Maritime Limits/Boundaries, and to download data, see: For the full FGDC metadata record, see: of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Service Item Id: dd457333ea124cd4ba9dec449de55af2
Copyright Text: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service (NOS), Office of Coast Survey (OCS)
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: facility Definition: The equipment or structure used to secure a vessel (adapted from IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 3322)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: The Navigable Waterways dataset is as of October 24, 2018, and is part of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)/Bureau of Transportation Statistics's (BTS's) National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD). The National Waterway Network is a comprehensive network database of the nation's navigable waterways. The data set covers the 48 contiguous states plus the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and water links between. The nominal scale of the dataset varies with the source material. The majority of the information is at 1:100,000 with larger scales used in harbor/bay/port areas and smaller scales used in open waters. These data could be used for analytical studies of waterway performance, for compiling commodity flow statistics, and for mapping purposes.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: In marine navigation, anything that hinders or prevents movement, particularly anything that endangers or prevents passage of a vessel. The term is usually used to refer to an isolated danger to navigation... (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 3503)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here:, overhead Definition: An overhead cable is an assembly of wires or fibres, or a wire rope or chain, which is supported b y structures such as poles or pylons and passing over or nearby navigable waters. (Hydrogra phic Service, Royal Australian Navy).Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here:, overhead Definition: A pipeline is a string of interconnected pipes used for the transport of matter, nowadays mainly oil or gas . (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 3857) An overhead pipeline is a pipeline supported by pylons and passing over or nearby navigable waters.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A rail or set of parallel rails on which a train or tram runs. (Digital Geographic Information Working Group, Oct.87)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: track Definition: A track recommended to all or only certain vessels. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 5576)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A relatively large natural stream of water. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 4405)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A road is an open way for the passage of vehicles. (United States Geological Survey, Jan.89)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: construction Definition: A fixed (not afloat) artificial structure between the water and the land, i.e. a man-made coastline.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: upper marking of a slope, e.g. the ridge line or the separation line between two different gradients.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here:, submarine Definition: An assembly of wires or fibres, or a wire rope or chain which has been laid underwater or buried beneath the seabed (Hydrographic Service, Royal Australian Navy)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: These data depict the occurrence of submarine cables in and around U.S. navigable waters. The purpose of this data product is to support coastal planning at the regional and national scale. Source geometry and attributes were derived from 2010 NOAA Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) and 2009 NOAA Raster Navigational Charts (RNCs) and recently updated in 2013 referencing the RNCs. Polyline features explicitly defined as cables were compiled from the original sources, exclusive of those features noted as 'cable areas'. The scale of the source material was highly variable and discontinuities between multiple sources were resolved with least possible spatial adjustments. The original S-57 data model was modified for readability and performance.For additional information, please visit: Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here:, submarine/on land Definition: A pipeline is a string of interconnected pipes used for the transport of matter, nowadays mainly oil or gas . (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 3857) A submarine or land pipeline is a pipeline lying on or buried under the seabed or the landTerms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: The SLA boundary defines the seaward limit of a state's submerged lands and the landward boundary of federally managed OCS lands. The official version of the SLA Boundaries can only be found on the BOEM Official Protraction Diagrams (OPDs) or Supplemental Official Protraction Diagrams described below.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: An area containing at least one runway, used for landing, take-off, and movement of aircraft. Distinction: runway; sea-plane landing area;Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Anchorage area An area in which vessels anchor or may anchor. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 130) Distinction: anchor berth; mooring/warping facility.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Areas An area in which vessels anchor or may anchor. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 130) Distinction: anchor berth; mooring/warping facility;Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A structure erected over a depression or an obstacle such as a body of water, railroad, etc... to provide a roadway for vehicles, pedestrians or to carry utility services. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 544) Distinction: pylon/bridge support;Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here:, single Definition: A relatively permanent structure, roofed and usually walled. It is designed for some particular use which it may be important to indicate. (Digital Geographic Information Working Group, Oct.87) Distinction: built-up area; coastguard station; landmark; rescue station;Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: area Definition: An area containing a concentration of buildings and the supporting road or rail infrastructure. Distinction: building, single; road; square;Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Areas - An area which contains one or more submarine cables.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: An artificial waterway with no flow, or a controlled flow, used for navigation, or for draining or irrigating land (ditch). (United States Geological Survey, Jan.89) Distinction: canal bank; river; lake; tideway;Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: area Definition: Generally, an area where the mariner has to be made aware of circumstances influencing the safety of navigation. Distinction: wrecks; underwater rocks; obstructions; unsurveyed area;Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: mechanical apparatus for moving bulk material or people from place to place (as by a moving belt or chain of receptacles); usually extends from a land-based facility over the shoreline to a dock, wharf, or mooring facility. (Adapted from S-57 Standard)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A machine for lifting, shifting and lowering objects or materials by means of a swinging boom or with a lifting apparatus supported on an overhead track. (Digital Geographic Information Working Group, Oct.87)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A barrier to check or confine anything in motion; particularly one constructed to hold back water and raise its level to form a reservoir, or to prevent flooding. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 1196)
Service Item Id: dd457333ea124cd4ba9dec449de55af2
Copyright Text: Terms of Use
No special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A geographical area that describes the coverage and extent of spatial objects.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: of data Definition: An area within which a uniform assessment of the quality of the data exists. Distinction: accuracy of data; survey reliability;Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: dock Definition: An artificial basin fitted with a gate or caisson, into which vessels can be floated and the water pumped out to expose the vessel's bottom. Also called graving dock. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 1426)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: sea area where dredged material or other potentially more harmful material, e.g. explosives, chemical waste, is deliberately deposited. (Derived from IHO Chart Specifications, M-4).Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: dock Definition: A form of dry dock consisting of a floating structure of one or more sections which can be partly submerged by controlled flooding to receive a vessel, then raised by pumping out the water so that the vessel's bottom can be exposed. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 1427)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: dock Definition: A form of dry dock consisting of a floating structure of one or more sections which can be partly submerged by controlled flooding to receive a vessel, then raised by pumping out the water so that the vessel's bottom can be exposed. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 1427)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: area (administrative) Definition: The area over which a harbour authority has jurisdiction.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: facility Definition: A harbour installation with a service or commercial operation of public interest.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A permanently moored ship.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A large body of water entirely surrounded by land. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 2629)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: region Definition: An area of natural scenery on land. It is defined by its geographical characteristics and may be known by its proper name.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A large body of water entirely surrounded by land. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 2629)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A prominent object at a fixed location which can be used in determining a location or a direction . (adapted from IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 2643).Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A dyke (or dike) is an artificial embankment to contain or hold back water.(IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 1361)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Basins - A lock basin is a wet dock in a waterway, permitting a ship to pass from one level to another. (adapted from IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 2881)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A structure that may be swung, drawn, or lowered to block an entrance or passageway. (United States Geological Survey, Jan.89)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: facility Definition: The equipment or structure used to secure a vessel (adapted from IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 3322)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: publication information Definition: Used to relate additional nautical information or publications to the data.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: system of marks Definition: An area within which a specific system of navigational marks applies and/or a common direction of buoyage.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: In marine navigation, anything that hinders or prevents movement, particularly anything that endangers or prevents passage of a vessel. The term is usually used to refer to an isolated danger to navigation... (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 3503)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: OCS blocks relate back to individual Official Protraction Diagrams and are not uniquely numbered. Only the most recently published paper or pdf versions of the OPDs or LMs or SOBDs should be used for official or legal purposes. The pdf maps can be found by going to the following link and selecting the appropriate region of interest within the OPD/SOBD table. of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: OPDs and LMs are mapping products produced and used by the BOEM to delimit areas available for potential offshore mineral leases, determine the State/Federal offshore boundaries, and determine the limits of revenue sharing and other boundaries to be considered for leasing offshore waters. This dataset shows only the outline of the maps that are available from BOEM.Only the most recently published paper or pdf versions of the OPDs or LMs should be used for official or legal purposes. The pdf maps can be found by going to the following link and selecting the appropriate region of interest. Both OPDs and LMs are further subdivided into individual Outer Continental Shelf(OCS) blocks which are available as a separate layer. Some OCS blocks that also contain other boundary information are known as Supplemental Official Block Diagrams (SOBDs.) Further information on the historic development of OPD's can be found in OCS Report MMS 99-0006: Boundary Development on the Outer Continental Shelf: Also see the metadata for each of the individual GIS data layers available for download. The Official Protraction Diagrams (OPDs) and Supplemental Official Block Diagrams (SOBDs), serve as the legal definition for BOEM offshore boundary coordinates and area descriptions.Terms of UseNone (Public Domain Information)
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: area Definition: An area containing one or more pipelines.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Areas - A floating structure, usually rectangular in shape which serves as landing, pier head or bridge support. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 3947)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: support Definition: A vertical construction consisting, for example, of a steel framework or pre-stressed concrete to carr y cables, a bridge, etc.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: This layer represents Regulated Navigational Areas as specified by the National Archives and Records Administration Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33 parts 147 and 165 pertaining to the United States Coast Guard.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: area Definition: A specified area designated by an appropriate authority within which navigation is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions. (adapted from IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 4366)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: A relatively large natural stream of water. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 4405)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: This layer represents Safety Zones as specified by the National Archives and Records Administration Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33 parts 147 and 165 pertaining to the United States Coast Guard.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: area/named water area Definition: A geographically defined part of the sea or other navigable waters. It may be specified within its limit s by its proper name.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: This layer represents Security Zones as specified by the National Archives and Records Administration Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33 parts 147 and 165 pertaining to the United States Coast Guard.
Description: Shipping zones delineate activities and regulations for marine vessel traffic. Traffic lanes define specific traffic flow, while traffic separation zones assist opposing streams of marine traffic. Precautionary areas represent areas where ships must navigate with caution, and shipping safety fairways designate where artificial structures are prohibited. Recommended routes are predetermined routes for shipping adopted for reasons of safety. Areas to be avoided are within defined limits where navigation is particularly hazardous or it is exceptionally important to avoid casualties and should be avoided by all ships or certain classes of ships. Shipping Lanes and Regulations layer was created by extracting ENC (.000) files published by NOAAs Office of Coast Survey, Marine Chart Division (NOAA OCS). The web service was developed by CSDL/OCS/NOAA. Data will be refreshed weekly. Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: inclined surface (adapted from IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 4776).Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: craft facility Definition: A place at which a service generally of interest to small craft or pleasure boats is availableTerms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Definition: An enclosed container, used for storage (Digital Geographic Information Working Group, Oct.87)Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Download all USACE IENC layers here: Areas - A terminal covers that area on shore which provides buildings and constructions for the transfer of cargo or passengers from and to ships.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: This is a polygonal dataset representing the U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port Zones throughout the United States. This data was developed by USCG - OSC Enterprise GIS based on Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations Part 3.
Service Item Id: dd457333ea124cd4ba9dec449de55af2
Copyright Text: United States Coast Guard Operations Systems Center