Description: The Summary of Deposits (SOD) is the annual survey of branch office deposits for all FDIC-insured institutions including insured U.S. branches of foreign banks. Data are as of June 30. Users can access these data by: (1) single institution, (2) institutions within a geographic area, or (3) aggregated within a geographic area. SOD features include custom market share reports and downloads. Link: of the SurveysTo provide a means for measuring deposits in local banking markets, the surveys obtain deposit figures for each banking office of branch banking systems, and for each insured U.S. branch of a foreign bank. Deposit figures for unit banks (which do not have branch offices) were obtained from the June Reports of Condition. Deposit Reporting - Institutions should report their deposits in a manner consistent with their existing internal record-keeping practices, however, other methods that logically reflect the deposit gathering activity of the bank's branches may be used. It is recognized that certain classes of deposits and deposits of certain types of customers may be assigned to a single office. Please refer to the reporting instructions for more information. A branch/office, for purposes of this survey, is any location, or facility, of a financial institution, including its main office, where deposit accounts are opened, deposits are accepted, checks paid, and loans are granted. Branches include, but are not limited to, brick and mortar locations, detached drive-in facilities, seasonal offices, offices on military bases or government installations, paying/receiving stations or units, and Internet and Phone Banking locations where a customer can open accounts, make deposits and borrow money. A branch does not include Automated Teller Machines (ATM), Consumer Credit Offices, Contractual Offices, Customer Bank Communication Terminals (CBCT), Electronic Fund Transfer Units (EFTU), and Loan Production Offices. Deposit information is required for each insured office of an FDIC-insured institution located in any State, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or any U.S. territory or possession such as Guam or the U.S. Virgin Islands, and including any foreign country which has state-equivalent federal benefits extended by treaty.Arrangement of Published DataBecause these publications are used as a source of market share information for individual banking markets, the figures for each geographical area only include deposits of offices located within that area. Several institutions have designated home offices that do not accept deposits; these have been included in the survey to provide a more complete listing of all offices. Additional points that should be noted: 1. With the exception noted above, "banking office" is defined to include all offices and facilities that actually hold deposits, and does not include loan production offices, computer centers, and other nondeposit installations, such as automated teller machines (ATMs). 2. Institutions are allowed to combine deposit data from two or more offices within the same county for the following office types: drive-in offices, seasonal branches, and military facilities. Where centralized bookkeeping or other conditions make it impossible to report exact figures, estimates are required. 3. International Banking Facility (IBF) deposits are considered deposits in foreign offices and are not included in the Summary of Deposits Survey. 4. Offices and deposits are reported by the institution that owned the office as of the close of business on June 30. 5. The term "offices" includes both main offices and branches. An institution with four branches operates a total of five offices. 6. All reports submitted to the FDIC have been validated and corrected to the extent possible. There may be rounding differences or minor reporting errors reflected in the tables. 7. Savings Institutions include all FDIC-Insured financial institutions that operate under federal or state thrift banking charters. Prior to August 9, 1989, all institutions insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) and all savings banks insured by the FDIC are included in any applicable chart.
Service Item Id: 0e5be8ee081346b5ac95962bd68e6bed
Copyright Text: This feature class is a product of contributions made by several sections within the Statistics Branch of the FDIC Division of Insurance and Research: The Data Collections and Analysis Section oversaw collection and verification of branch deposit information. The Data Applications Section assembled deposit information and enhanced data with additional demographic and institution structural information. The Data Management Section geocoded branch addresses and create final geospatial point feature class.
Description: This dataset contains privately and publicly owned bullion repositories. The privately owned repositories are included because they are members of the Industry Council for Tangible Assets (ICTA) as listed by the ICTA website and therefore deal with gold bullion or are the administrative headquarters of the bullion repository. Public locations are included based on the value (in US dollars) of the bullion stored, according to the United States Department of Treasury. Federal Reserve entities other than the one included in this database are excluded because the monetary amount of gold bullion, if any, stored at each location could not be determined, and per the United States Department of Treasury, the collective amount of the bullion stored among the remaining 11 Federal Reserve Banks and among the 25 Federal Reserve Branches (if any) is valued at less than one million US dollars. There are entities within this dataset that are also included in the HSIP Gold Federal Reserve layer or the HSIP Gold US Mint and Bureau of Engraving layer as the entities are considered to be a bullion repository as well as a Federal Reserve or a US Mint. The currentness of this dataset is indicated by the [CONTDATE] attribute. The oldest record dates from 07/19/2006 and the newest record dates from 07/24/2006. Due to the sensitive nature of these entities, TGS did not make contact with most of the entities within the database. For those entities not contacted by TGS, their existence and locations were determined based upon publicly available information and research conducted between 6/1/2006 and 7/31/2006.
Description: Defense Finance and Accounting Services provide accounting and finance services for military departments and defense agencies. Non-Defense Federal Government Equivalent agencies provide accounting and finance services for non-military government agencies. Internal Revenue Service Taxpayers Assistance Centers provided payment arrangements, account inquiries, adjustments, tax forms and preparation, and accepts payments. State Government Payment Centers provide payroll services for state government employees. Credit card clearinghouses participate in the transfer of funds for a credit card. And check clearinghouses participate in the transfer of funds for a check transaction. The basis of this dataset was information gathered from official internet websites for the agencies represented in this dataset, as well as other public domain and open source research. The name, address, phone number and geospatial location for 90% of the entities were completely verified by TGS. The locations for the balance of the entities were assigned using automated methods. Text fields in this dataset have been set to all upper case to facilitate consistent database engine search results. All diacritics (e.g. the German umlaut or the Spanish tilde) have been replaced with their closest equivalent English character to facilitate use with database systems that may not support diacritics. The currentness of this dataset is indicated by the [CONTDATE] attribute. Based upon this attribute the oldest record dates from 09/25/2006 and the newest record dates from 10/02/2006.
Description: Combined assets in US mutual funds was $12.36 trillion in Oct 07. There are over 8,000 U.S. mutual funds, but there is significant concentration of assets in a relatively small number of mutual fund families. 50% of all assets held by Top 10 mutual fund families.
Description: The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) is the independent federal agency that charters and supervises federal credit unions. NCUA, backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, operates the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) that insures the savings of 80 million account holders in all federal credit unions and many state-chartered credit unions.
Description: This dataset is comprised of forty-five entities that are part of the United States Federal Reserve System according to the United States Department of Treasury. The Federal Reserve System is comprised of twelve Federal Reserve Banks and twenty-five Federal Reserve Branches. This data set contains all of the banks and branches as well as some check processing centers and offices that are affiliated with the US Federal Reserve System. This dataset does not contain the Federal Reserve Headquarters in Washington DC because it is an "Administration Only" location. There is an entity within this dataset that is also included in the HSIP Gold Bullion Repositories 2006 Q3 dataset as the entity is considered to be a bullion repository as well as a Federal Reserve. The currentness of this dataset is indicated by the more recent date of the [CONTDATE] attribute and/or the [GEODATE] attribute. Based upon these attributes the oldest record dates from 07/19/2006 and the newest record dates from 08/04/2006. The most current [CONTDATE] is the most current contact date as provided by TGS. Due to the sensitive nature of these entities, TGS did not make contact with the entities within this dataset during this processing.
Description: United States Mint - Bureau of Engraving and Printing Facilities This dataset includes facilities of the United States Mint and facilities of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. There are entities within this dataset that are also included in the HSIP Gold Bullion Repositories 2006 Q3 dataset as these entities are considered to a bullion repository as well as a US Mint. The currentness of this dataset is indicated by the more recent date of the [CONTDATE] attribute and the [GEODATE] attribute. Based upon these attributes the oldest record dates from 07/19/2006 and the newest record dates from 07/24/2006. The most current [CONTDATE] is the most current contact date as provided by TGS. Due to the sensitive nature of these entities, TGS did not make contact with the entities within this dataset during this processing.