Description: This point feature class/shapefile contains locational and other attribute information for Biodiesel Plants located within the United States and parts of Canada. Biodiesel Plants are those plants which manufacture diesel fuel from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled greases.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Global Security Sciences Division, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class represents power plants. Power plants are all the land and land rights, structures and improvements, boiler or reactor vessel equipment, engines and engine-driven generators, turbo generator units, accessory electric equipment, and miscellaneous power plant equipment are grouped together for each individual facility. Included are the following plant types: hydroelectric dams, fossil fuel (coal, natural gas, or oil), nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass. **** Geographical coverage includes the Continental United States. ****This feature class has a one-to-many relationship class (Power Plant Generating Units) with the "Generating Units" table. This captures the relationship between power plants and their generating units. "Power Plants" feature class is the origin using PLANT_CODE as the primary key. "Generating Units" table is the destination using PLANT_CODE as the foreign key. Metadata can be found here.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents Ethanol Plants. An Ethanol Plant is a facility that uses various biomass source to produce ethanol for use as a fuel. Geographical coverage includes the Continental United States, as well as Ethanol Plants in Canada that within 100 miles of the country's border with the United States.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Global Security Sciences Division, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: The feature class/shapefile represents Ethanol Transloading Facilities. Ethanol Transloading Facilities are those facilities where the transfer of Ethanol from one transport mode to another occurs. This allows for the efficient and safe transport as well as shipment of the fuel. Geographical coverage includes the Continental United States, as well as Refineries in Canada that are within 100 miles of each country's border with the United States.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Global Security Sciences Division, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This table represents electr power generating units associated with power plants. Generating Units are any combination of physically connected generators, reactors, boilers, combustion turbines, and other prime movers operated together to produce electric power.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents LNG Import/Export Terminals. LNG Import (Receiving) Terminals receive LNG from abroad, regasify it, and send it out by pipeline; the LNG may also be kept in liquid form and shipped by tanker truck. LNG Export Terminals liquefy domestically produced natural gas for export from the United States, or re-export previously imported LNG to other countries. Some terminals either export or import LNG while others have been modified to do both.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Global Security Sciences Division, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents Natural Gas Compressor Stations. Natural Gas Compressor Stations support the transportation flow of natural gas in pipelines from one location to another by maintaining pressure in the pipeline to provide energy to move the natural gas. Geographical coverage includes the Continental United States. The updates for this release include corrections to the definitions for the EXP_POWER and ELEC_COMPR attributes.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Global Security Sciences Division, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents Natural Gas Import/Export Pipeline Facilities. A Natural Gas Import/Export Pipeline Facility delivers natural gas in and out of the Continental United States between foreign countries (i.e., Canada, Mexico).
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Global Security Sciences Division, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: A hub is a physical transfer point for natural gas where several pipelines are connected. A market center is a hub where the operator offers services that facilitate the buying, selling, and transportation of natural gas.
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents Natural Gas Processing Plants. A Natural Gas Processing Plant is a facility designed to remove impurities and non-methane hydro-carbons from raw natural gas to produce pipeline ready dry natural gas. Geographical coverage includes the United States, as well as Natural Gas Processing Plants in Canada and Mexico that are within 100 miles of each countries border with the United States.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Global Security Sciences Division, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents Natural Gas Underground Storage Facilities. Natural gas may be stored in a number of different ways. It is most commonly held in inventory underground under pressure in three types of facilities. These underground facilities are depleted reservoirs in oil and/or natural gas fields, aquifers, and salt cavern formations.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Global Security Sciences Division, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: To download the data, go to: a nationwide network of local coalitions, Clean Cities provides project assistance to help stakeholders in the public and private sectors deploy alternative and renewable fuels, idle-reduction measures, fuel economy improvements, and emerging transportation technologies.Department of Energy collects this data as part of the Projects undertaken by Clean Cities coalitions and stakeholders to ensure customers access to clean alternative energy. Clean Cities is the deployment arm of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Vehicle Technologies Office.More than 250 million vehicles consume millions of barrels of petroleum every day in the United States. On-road passenger travel alone accounts for more than 2.5 trillion vehicle miles traveled each year. Vehicle fleet managers and drivers, corporate decision makers, and public transportation planners can use these strategies to conserve fuel.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Locations of structures at and beneath the water surface used for the purpose of exploration and resource extraction. Only platforms in federal Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) waters are included. A database of platforms and rigs is maintained by BSEE.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: Existing wells drilled for exploration or extraction of oil and/or gas products. Additional information includes the lease number, well name, spud date, the well class, surface area/block number, and statistics on well status summary. Only wells found in federal Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) waters are included. Wells information is updated daily. Additional files are available on well completions and well tests. A database of wells is maintained by BSEE.Terms of UseNo special restrictions or limitations on using the item’s content have been provided.
Description: This feature class represents Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms in the Gulf of Mexico federal waters and off the US Pacific coast. An Offshore Platform is a facility constructed to extract and process oil and natural gas from wells drilled on the sea floor. It may also have drilling rigs and quarters for workers.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents Oil and Natural Gas Wells. An Oil and Natural Gas Well is a hole drilled in the earth for the purpose of finding or producing crude oil or natural gas; or producing services related to the production of crude or natural gas. Geographic coverage includes the United States (Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming) as well Oil and Natural Gas wells in the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Manitoba that are within 100 miles of the country's border with the United States. According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA) the following states do not have active/producing Oil or Natural Gas Wells: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Idaho, Massachusetts, Maine, Minnesota, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, and Wisconsin. Some states do have wells for underground Natural Gas storage facilities where these have been identified they were included. This layer is derived from well data from individual states and provinces and United States Agencies. This layer is incomplete at this time. Further development for data missing from one state, two Canadian provinces and Mexico is in process. This update release includes an additional 95,891 wells covering Arizona, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. This update release also includes a correction to the NAICS Code attribute for some records.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Decision and Infrastructure Sciences Division, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class represents Oil Refineries. An Oil Refinery is a facility that processes crude oil to generate a variety of petroleum-based products. Geographical coverage includes the United States, as well as Refineries in Canada and Mexico that are within 100 miles of each countries border with the United States.
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents Petroleum Ports. This includes ports in the 50 states and the District of Columbia that handle 200 or more short tons per year in total volume (import and export) of petroleum products (URL: Generally, a Petroleum Port is any maritime port which has facilities used to import or export any type of petroleum product. Typically, there are multiple petroleum facilities present in any port therefore the point identifying the location is an abstracted location representing the port as a whole. Geographical coverage includes the United States and its territories including Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, as well as Petroleum Ports in Canada and Mexico that are within 100 miles of each countries border with the United States.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Global Security Sciences Division, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents Petroleum Terminals. Petroleum Terminals are used to provide storage of both crude oil and refined petroleum products. Data contains locational and other attribute information for operable bulk petroleum product terminals with a total bulk shell storage capacity of 50,000 barrels or more, and/or ability to receive volumes from tanker, barge, or pipeline. Geographical coverage includes the United States, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam. This update includes an increase of 62 records for a total of 2,341 terminals. Two terminals were removed because it was confirmed they no longer exist. 66 new terminals were added; 57 of these were located at international airports. 3 terminals were changed to a STATUS of "DISMANTLED" because they no longer exist but still appear in some imagery sources. A new STATUS of "DISMANTLED" was added. Several NAICS codes and descriptions were corrected.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Decision and Infrastructure Sciences Division, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents POL Pumping Stations. A POL Pumping Station is a facility that supports the transportation of petroleum products from one location to another via a transmission pipeline. In addition, these facilities allow for the pumping of petroleum-based products along pipelines, the monitoring and maintaining of pressure and flow, and the ability to provide information about the transmission of the petroleum product. Geographical coverage includes the United States.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Global Security Sciences Division, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR) locations. The SPR is a set of locations where emergency fuel storage of crude oil, heating oil, and gasoline is maintained by the US Department of Energy (DOE). Geographical coverage includes the following states in the Continental United States: Connecticut, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Texas.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Global Security Sciences Division, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents electric power transmission lines. Transmission Lines are the system of structures, wires, insulators and associated hardware that carry electric energy from one point to another in an electric power system. Lines are operated at relatively high voltages varying from 69 kV up to 765 kV, and are capable of transmitting large quantities of electricity over long distances. Underground transmission lines are included where sources were available. The following updates have been made since the previous release: 7,935 features added, geographic coverage expanded to include Alaska and Hawaii, the METHOD and DATE fields renamed to VAL_METHOD and VAL_DATE respectively, and new fields have been included, namely, TYPE, NAICS_CODE, NAICS_DESC, and SOURCEDATE.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: Natural gas interstate and intrastate pipelines in the United States. Based on a variety of sources with varying scales and levels of accuracy and therefore accuracy is directly affected.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Collected by EIA from FERC and other external sources.
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents electric power control areas. Control Areas, also known as Balancing Authority Areas, are controlled by Balancing Authorities, who are responsible for monitoring and balancing the generation, load, and transmission of electric power within their region, often comprised of the retail service territories of numerous electric power utilities. Each control area is interconnected with neighboring ones to facilitate emergency support, coordinated operations, and power purchases and sales. The following updates have been made since the previous release: 4 features added, geographic coverage expanded to include Alaska and Hawaii, the METHOD and DATE fields renamed to VAL_METHOD and VAL_DATE respectively, and new fields have been included, namely, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP, TELEPHONE, COUNTRY, NAICS_CODE, NAICS_DESC, SOURCEDATE, and WEBSITE.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents electric power holding companies. Holding companies are electric power utilities that have a holding company structure. This vector polygon layer represents the area served by electric power holding companies. The following updates have been made since the previous release: 65 features added, geographic coverage expanded to include Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico, the METHOD and DATE fields renamed to VAL_METHOD and VAL_DATE respectively, and new fields have been included, namely, ADDRESS, CITY, ZIP, TELEPHONE, NAICS_CODE, NAICS_DESC, and SOURCEDATE.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents electric power planning areas. The area covered by those entities which are responsible for the coordination, integration, and long-term planning of transmission operations within their region, often comprised of the retail service territories of numerous electric power utilities. The following updates have been made since the previous release: 14 features removed, the METHOD and DATE fields renamed to VAL_METHOD and VAL_DATE respectively, new fields have been included, namely, NAICS_CODE, NAICS_DESC, and SOURCEDATE, and the DESCRIPTIO field was removed.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents electric power retail service territories. These are areas serviced by electric power utilities responsible for the retail sale of electric power to local customers, whether residential, industrial, or commercial. The following updates have been made since the previous release: 67 features added, geographic coverage expanded to include Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico, the ZIPCODE, PHONE, METHOD, and DATE fields renamed to ZIP, TELEPHONE, VAL_METHOD, and VAL_DATE respectively, and new fields have been included, namely, NAICS_CODE, NAICS_DESC, and SOURCEDATE.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Regions. FERC is an independent agency that regulates the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil. The vector polygons in this layer represent the regions that are served by FERC Regional Offices. The following updates have been made since the previous release: the METHOD and DATE fields renamed to VAL_METHOD and VAL_DATE respectively, and added SOURCEDATE field.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents electric power Independent System Operators. Independent System Operators were set up by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to provide non-discriminatory access to power and to more adequately administer the transmission grid on a regional basis throughout North America. The following updates have been made since the previous release: improved geometry of features using new sources, the METHOD and DATE fields renamed to VAL_METHOD and VAL_DATE respectively, and new fields have been included, namely, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP, TELEPHONE, COUNTRY, NAICS_CODE, NAICS_DESC, and SOURCEDATE.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents Natural Gas (NG) Local Distribution Company (LDC) Service Territories. NG LDC Service Territories are areas where a company delivers natural gas to its customers. A NG LDC Service Territory may span across several counties or may be as small as a municipal or city area. Geographical area includes the United States.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Global Security Sciences Division, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Regions and Subregions. NERC is an international regulatory authority that works to improve the reliability of the bulk power system in North America. NERC works with many different regional entities to improve the coordination and supply of electricity. This data set of vector layer of polygons represents the boundaries of the regional and subregional entities associated with NERC. The following updates have been made since the previous release: improved geometry of all features using new sources, the METHOD and DATE fields renamed to VAL_METHOD and VAL_DATE respectively, and SOURCEDATE field has been added.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: This feature class/shapefile represents North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Reliability Coordinators. NERC is an international regulatory authority that works to improve the reliability of the bulk power system in North America. NERC works with many different regional entities to improve the coordination and supply of electricity. This dataset is a vector layer of polygons representing the area served by Reliability Coordinators. The following updates have been made since the previous release: the METHOD and DATE fields renamed to VAL_METHOD and VAL_DATE respectively, new fields have been included, namely, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP, TELEPHONE, and SOURCEDATE.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team
Description: The feature class/shapefile represents Oil and Natural Gas Fields. Generally, Oil and Natural Gas “Fields” are defined as “a low in the Earth’s crust of tectonic origin in which sediments have accumulated.” This definition was originally defined by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Within the larger area of the basins this feature class also contains smaller geographic “plays” which are defined as “A set of known or postulated oil and gas accumulations sharing similar geologic, geographic, and temporal properties, such as source rock, migration, pathway, timing, trapping mechanism, and hydrocarbon type. A play differs from a basin; a basin can include one or more plays.” This definition was originally defined by the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) and was appropriated for use in the creation of this feature class. The geographic coverage of this layer is the Continental United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Service Item Id: 65e19bf727d34e6483196cddb085fa21
Copyright Text: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Global Security Sciences Division, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team