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Item Information

snippet: This layer represents the major rivers within the world. The layer is suitable for display to a largest scale of 1:15,000,000.
summary: This layer represents the major rivers within the world. The layer is suitable for display to a largest scale of 1:15,000,000.
extent: [[-164.887436363636,-36.9694454545454],[160.763595636364,71.3924895454546]]
accessInformation: source: Esri
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This layer represents the major rivers within the world. The layer is suitable for display to a largest scale of 1:15,000,000.
title: Esri World Major Rivers
type: Map Service
tags: ["esri","2016","world","river"]
culture: en-US
name: esri_world_major_rivers
guid: 2A19ED92-B786-4408-B0B5-C16CAA2F6B55
spatialReference: GCS_WGS_1984