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Item Information

snippet: This layer represents the boundaries for the continents of the world. The layer is suitable for display to a largest scale of 1:15,000,000.
summary: This layer represents the boundaries for the continents of the world. The layer is suitable for display to a largest scale of 1:15,000,000.
extent: [[-179.9999999999,-85.4702908736243],[180.000000000101,83.6235991262996]]
accessInformation: source: Esri
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This layer represents the boundaries for the continents of the world. The layer is suitable for display to a largest scale of 1:15,000,000.
title: Esri World Continental Boundaries
type: Map Service
tags: ["esri","2016","continent","boundary"]
culture: en-US
name: esri_world_continental_boundaries
guid: DA810FC2-D9D1-474A-8D76-5261F4CEF6F8
spatialReference: GCS_WGS_1984